Clinical Trials Investigator Training Program

ICTS has developed the Clinical Trials Investigator Training Program to provide PIs with resources and skills they need to develop their ideas into trials. This program utilizes a flipped-classroom approach to provide participants with as much hands-on support as possible while in class. Participants are eligible for ICTS services to support a grant submission of their trial. 


Week 1: Introduction to Study Question and Design (Trial Design, Objectives, Endpoints, Study Schedule, etc.)

Week 2: Community Engagement and Diversity and Recruiting/Retaining Special Populations

Week 3: Human Subjects Protections and Institutional Review Board Application

Week 4: Statistical Design, Evaluating Study Participant numbers, and Recruitment Approaches

Week 5: Working with Clinical Study Team, Data Collection, and Study Budget

Week 6: Creating Clinical Research Forms, Quality Management Plans & Standard Operating Procedures

Week 7: Reporting and Compliances


For more information and to apply, go to:


Contact Information 

Jamie Thrams, MA- Assistant Director for Education
