ICTS has developed the Clinical Trials Investigator Training Program to provide PIs with resources and skills they need to develop their ideas into trials. This program utilizes a flipped-classroom approach to provide participants with as much hands-on support as possible while in class. Participants are eligible for ICTS services to support a grant submission of their trial.
Week 1: Introduction to Study Question and Design (Trial Design, Objectives, Endpoints, Study Schedule, etc.)
Week 2: Community Engagement and Diversity and Recruiting/Retaining Special Populations
Week 3: Human Subjects Protections and Institutional Review Board Application
Week 4: Statistical Design, Evaluating Study Participant numbers, and Recruitment Approaches
Week 5: Working with Clinical Study Team, Data Collection, and Study Budget
Week 6: Creating Clinical Research Forms, Quality Management Plans & Standard Operating Procedures
Week 7: Reporting and Compliances
For more information and to apply, go to: https://redcap.link/ICTSclintrial
Contact Information
Jamie Thrams, MA- Assistant Director for Education
Email: jamie-thrams@uiowa.edu